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Bryan Vale

Bryan Vale is a writer who lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area. He writes fiction and poetry in addition to working as a marketing copywriter. His fiction and poetry have been published in Paddler Press, Does It Have Pockets, Bright Flash Literary Review, and All Existing Literary Magazine, among others. He has been a reader for Five Minutes, and his work has been nominated for The Best of the Net.

Bryan was born in San Francisco and grew up in the East Bay city of Concord. He studied Spanish and Latin American Literature at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California, spending one semester in Querétaro, Mexico. After graduating in 2012, Bryan returned to the Bay Area, where he has worked as a writer (after a brief stint as a janitor) ever since.

Much of Bryan's work is set in beautiful Northern California, often focusing particularly on the contrast between socioeconomic classes in one of the most expensive regions in the world. See some of Bryan's recent publications below!

Nominated for Best of the Net!

Bryan's poem "lost in the everglades: or, how life feels to me" has been nominated for the Best of the Net anthology by All Existing Literary Magazine.

Recent Publications

"Social Distancing." (Reprint.) Mind the Gap, Issue 1, April 2024.

"Exhausted the Curve of Highway." Paddler Press, Vol. 11 - "Echoes," p. 28, April 2024.

"Lawn Care Specialist." Bright Flash Literary Review, April 4, 2024.


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Looking for Bryan's copywriting portfolio? That's here:

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